Our Mission

What's In A Name?
I've been asked countless times how I named my organization. "One wish" is synonymous with blowing out birthday candles and hoping that the one wish you made comes true. That would be the obvious answer, but it's not the right answer. The true meaning comes from the words of legendary poet, Maya Angelou.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel".
While I cannot begin to feel what it is like to be homeless nor being a child living in a homeless shelter, I do know these children live in a world of uncertainty and insecurity. Their parent(s) struggles to provide their children with the most basic necessities. An upcoming birthday can trigger additional stresses for any parent who just wants to provide her child with the joys of a birthday celebration while the birthday child craves to be recognized and celebrated on his/her special day just like any other child.
I know that many of the over 200 children I have celebrated so far may never remember me, the cake I made for them, nor their favorite toys I gave them on their birthday. I do hope, however, they remember how even a stranger like me, recognized and celebrated each of them individually and made them feel deserving of all the joys of a birthday celebration regardless of their circumstances.
It is MY "One Wish" that these children remember how I made them feel and carry that feeling with them long after they leave the shelters and maybe someday, share that feeling with others who may need a stranger to recognize and celebrate them.

Thank you so much for providing the generous donation of ingredients and love which you mix into each personalized birthday cake for the children living at our Shelter. Your talent and unbelievable kindness make each child feel special and celebrated. The parents of the children are also appreciative of the individual attention and love the cake and presents represent. We are so glad to partner with you in this unique project.
- Bridget Shaheen, former Executive Director, Lazarus House
Thank you for providing incredible moments to children and for being an inspiration to many. We wish you the best of luck in growing One Wish Project and in sharing reasons to be thankful, grateful, and blessed.
- Brian H.
Hannah, you are such a bright light in this world! You brought that boy such happiness and the knowledge that there is kindness and hope in the world.
- Kelly R.
What a special day you made for Abrean. He will probably remember it always. Thank you for making the human race look good Hannah!
- Gael K.
You are such an amazing example to so many young adults and of course to everyone that has the pleasure to know you and the beautiful soul you are!
- Flor M.
Thank you for doing what you do to make children happy on their birthday!
- Heather K.
Thank you for your humbling heart and for all you do for our children who are in need and you make the extra mile to bring a smile and unforgettable memories to them.
The community is blessed to have your generous heart doing so many beautiful things!
- Colleen D.
You are such a blessing to those that need it the most!
- Johanna K.
I love what you’re doing! Thank you for being such a positive role model!
- Lexie M.